Get Quote - Public & Products Liability Step 1 of 3 33% Your Name* Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Please describe business activities*Please advise how many years you have been in business* Gross estimated turnover for upcoming year?* On what Date do your require insurance to start?* DD slash MM slash YYYY How much Public Liability Cover do you require?*- Please Select$5,000,000$10,000,000$20,000,000Do you sell Products as part of your Business?- Please SelectNoYesDoes Your Business:- Intend to import or export goods? Intend to transport, handle, use or store dangerous goods in bulk quantities as defined by the Australian Dangerous Goods code? Carry out any of the following: Use of explosives, bridge construction/maintenance, demolition activities, building work exceeding 10 metres in height, construction or maintenance work involving chemical works, underground mines, offshore platforms, aircraft, petrochemical plants, power stations, ships? Discharge waste or hazardous material into the atmosphere, sewer or elsewhere? Perform any welding at abattoirs or large (greater than 100m2) cold storage operations? If you have selected 'Yes' to any of the above activities we may need to obtain further details about such activities. What is Your Email?* What is Your Phone No?* Have you made any liability insurance claims in the past 5 years?*- Please SelectNoYesIf Yes, please provide details*Do you require Other insurance cover such as:- Tools of Trade Property Insurance Workers Compensation Motor Vehicle YOUR DUTY OF DISCLOSURE you must fully inform us of all material matters relevant to the risk to be insured. Is there is anything else you think we need to know - if Yes, please provide details below:-